In 2016 alone, we saw more than 1,145 people give their lives to Christ during Faith Life Church services and events, and we’ve heard countless stories from people whose financial situations, marriages, families, and health have been dramatically changed by God and by the teaching, encouragement, and support they receive as a part of our church family.

Together, we know we can do more. Buildings are tools for ministry—for building people—and we need to expand ours, both to better provide for and equip our ever-growing Faith Life Church family and to make room for more men, women, and children to come and learn about the goodness of God, His Kingdom, and the principles that can truly change their lives.



With more than 90 percent of people accepting Christ before they’re 18 years old, NOW is the time to reach, engage, and disciple as many children and young people as possible.

There’s no time like the present to take everything we already know about creating an amazing children’s experience and take it the next level, continuing to guide every child who attends Faith Life Church in having their own relationships with God and experiencing His faithfulness for themselves.

They are the next generation of leaders in our families, our churches, our communities, our nation, and our world. We must show them faith by example.